21 June, 2011

First Anniversary

We've celebrated special occasions in many different places this past year: A wedding in Canada, Thanksgiving in the Himalayas, Christmas in Kathmandu, and Easter in Tahiti, so I guess it's fitting we should spend our first wedding anniversary here in Buenos Aires. We don't have much planned, dinner out at a parilla, and then maybe some ice cream at a heladeria, I guess a year long honeymoon negates the need for excessive anniversary celebrations. However, I have been reflecting on the past year quite a bit today, and thought that I might share my thoughts.

To say it's been a strange year would be an understatement. A lot has happened, most of it great, some of it difficult, and all of it very different than anything that's gone before. It was an unsettling year of constant change and uncertainty. Colleen and I haven't had a home or, aside from the clothes in our packs, any possessions in over a year. We've experienced sublime beauty as well as horrible ugliness, and have struggled to make sense of it all. While I may figure it out one day, right now, all of it just serves to underscore the one constant in the past year: our relationship. It has not been easy or smooth, a year on the road does not lend itself to easy or smooth, but it has been a fantastic adventure, and I can honestly say that the best part of this past year has been sharing it with Colleen.

So I say thank you to my wife (I'm still not used to saying that word) for an incredible year. I hope that the next 50 are half as good as this past one, although maybe we could do without the long bus rides and dodgy hostels.

Buenos Aires

one year ago today